get a dose of the guru.

get a dose of the guru.

Upgrade your reading rotation.


📍 Mama Z the Guru does not condone minors reading explicit content. Erotic stories are explicitly listed as such, and is intended to be read by adults.

All digital download sales are final. every customer is required to agree to downloading & saving content to device(s) of their choice before the 24-hour download link expires. All content is for personal use only; marketing and other plagiarized usage is strictly forbidden and will have legal action pursued.

Download links will not be re-sent to customers who fail to download their content to device(s) of their choice before the temporary download link expires.


📍If you are ordering straight from Amazon, this does not apply to you. The link in the description will redirect you to Amazon, where they will print, fulfill, and ship your order. You will receive tracking information from Amazon.

FAQ: Does Mama Z get profit from Amazon purchases? A) Yes, ~5% of sales go to Mama Z.

📍If you want a signed copy, Mama Z has to order the print, fulfill, and ship your purchase on her own. This increases processing + shipping time, but it’s worth it!

📍Shipment from the printing company to Mama Z varies: <~4 weeks, but they are always promptly shipped to the buyer when received. You will receive tracking information through the Mama Z the Guru site.

📍Please see individual product descriptions for specific details.

Thank you for your business! (: